Joe Dulle

Joe Dulle was one of the most important people in revitalization of the stockyards. The White Elephant Saloon opens 1976…News Tribune “Old Fort Worth Lives Again; White Elephant Saloons reopens.JoeDulle
During his 26 years at the Stockyards, Dulle booked over 8,526 nights of live country and western music into the White Elephant Saloon. Added to that were 532 nights at the Lone Star Chili Parlor, 1831 nights in the White Elephant Beer Garden and 135 Upstairs at the White Elephant for a grand total of 11, 024 nights of musical entertainment booked by Dulle. Saloon sold 2005. Accomplishments by Joe Dulle include but are not limited to…secretary of the Board of Directors of Chisholm Trail Round-Up, Director of the North Area Council of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, Fort Worth Public Open Air Celebrations Committee and the DFW Area Tourism Council, chaired a campaign to obtain challenge grant funds from the Amon Carter Foundation for the renovation of a storefront in Polytechnic Heights for use as a theater by the Jubilee Players